Anna Mary Wheeler's love of colour is self-evident. Throughout the past two decades that Anna has been making art, her style has changed and evolved. Curating “A brush with fluoro” is an extension of her life work. When Anna opened up her archive for this exhibition, we discovered a treasury of work clamouring to be seen.

Anna’s passion for mythology, historical paintings from antiquity, portraits, still life and landscapes with strong representational influences of the artists she admires and pays homage to in her body of work. Her prodigious use of bold gestural colour, invites and transports the viewer into her world. The evolution of her work to the present day sees Anna’s identity portrayed on every canvas - with recurring themes that cement this exhibition.

 Her process is accumulative, laying down grounds, painting, reworking, pondering and returning to complete the work. “It’s all about the layers, colour and texture which I love,” says Anna. In other instances, Anna works methodically with a single minded approach from inception to completed work. Her newest body of work finds Anna working with fluoro colours, oils, acrylics and tempera sticks.

Anyone who knows Anna - will tell you that Anna lives for art, she immerses herself in art, dreams art, wears art and makes art.